Saturday, 5 September 2009

Confession Of An Eighteen Year Old Gal...

I have a confession:

1) I think Totally Spies is sooo cool!
2) I am Batman!
3) I'm a HUGE fan of the Jonas Brothers

- Don't think less of me!

1) I know that Totally Spies is for small kids or "tweenies" as they are called now, but I think they are so cool and they way the solve different cases totally girly and you know, girl power and they roll!!

2) Yes, yes. I know that it is hard to believe, but yes, I am a big fan of Batman (I know that I wrote that I was Batman, but that was just to grab your attention :p ) He is so cool. I know that Superman can fly and Spider-man crawl on walls and the Greenlight...ermh....has a green-light?, but Batman he can build his own devices. He does it all the old school way and that is way cooler then ultra light eye killing thing!

3) The Jonas Brothers' fan scope goes from 2 to 14 and then 35 to about 54 (the parents of teenage daughters), but I have to say, the Jonas Brothers kicks ass! I've got all their CDs (all four of them!) Some of their song are kinda mainstream, nothing new, a lot of love songs, but there is just something about Joe when he sings BB Good and when Nick twist his voice when he sings Goodnight, Goodbye and when Kevin...ermh...he's got a nice butt :) They melt my heart and I am not ashamed of being the only one in my class (and my school) to say that I love them! I am proud to say: "I am a Jonas Brother fan!"

Tune in for more Confessions of an eighteen year old gal!

Much stuff :p


Thursday, 3 September 2009

Chris Lowell, Mr. T, Mr D and other good stuff

So, it's been a couple of weeks since I've written and that is because I started school again (be cool, consider another school...). School is rather interesting (interesting meaning Monday, most of Tuesday and Wednesday was cancelled/virtual) I have learned next to nothing the last past days and I quite like it like that.

There's a lot of new students in my school, and because I am who I am, I look for cute boys, but, but, I'm a senior now and looking at freshments to see if there's any just feels kinda wrong. I have only seen Mr. T ones. Still cute. Still quite stupid looking. But, but, but, I think he is single which should work out in my favor, but no. I would never in a billion years walk to up Mr. T and say "Hey. I have been looking at you and thinking about you and writing about you on my blog and I think we have a connection. Would you like to go out on a date with me?"

I’ve found myself a new feller to long after (I don't see Mr. T as often as before, so had to find something new :p). I call him Mr. D. He is the total opposite of Mr. T. He, unlike Mr. T is smart. I have to admit that I quite hate him. He thinks he is smarter than everyone else and he isn't. He just knows how to say "I think that you are wrong about that" and make it sound like something like this "I think that the point of view that you are presenting is quite wrongful and I would have to say that I completely disagree with you". The thing about him is not only the fact that he thinks he is smarter than everyone else, also that he is at least one year younger than me! I hate it when someone who is younger than me has to tell me what I have to do! And I know that it’s only one year, but that is enough to get me all cranky. "No, the way that you are performing that act is wrong and you should consider another approach." I Actually really, really dislike him and I think I should keep looking for a new Mr. to long after…

Now, to talk about something totally different: I think I am in love...I am sooo kidding! Like I fall in love! Hellz no! No, it's just, you know the series Private Practice (I'm not going to explain what it is or what it is about. You can YouTube it and see for yourself!) Chris Lowell. He gets way to little credit and attention than he should! He's cute and good looking and handsome (I know that is just three ways of saying that he is hot, but my God he is!)

I am going to LA!! Three weeks all by myself! I am going to work as an intern at a company called Please go check it out!

That was all for now :)