Monday, 6 October 2008

Skinny jeans - skinny legs

I hate you but I love you, I can't stop thinking of you, It's true, I'm stuck on you! No, I'm not talking about Mr. T! I'm talking about skinny jeans. Not one specific kind, just skinny jeans all in all. I so want a pair, but lately it has accrued to me, that if you want skinny jeans, you'll have to have skinny legs and I don't! I have a little on my thighs and I'm proud of it but I really, really want a pair, cuz let's face it; skinny jeans is just more handy then normal jeans. You can wear boots (and you look even better in ankle boots!), stilettos and look fantaboulse and also in a dress like top you'd look good!

I thought of buying a pair of skinny jeans just so I could think of the day when I can finally fit into them (now, I know that you should never buy a pair of e.g. jeans and hope that you'll fit into them some day, but I'll make an exception!)

<- A pair of skinny jeans from £ 15. I'd buy them if it wasn't because I'd already used all m money on..hmm..well..I went shopping with my best friend, and maybe you know that feeling when you get home from shopping and you think of what you bought. You feel like you have used a lot of money, but you haven't bought much, that's they way I feel/felt.
I defiantly think that I'm gonna buy them when I get money :)

Thank God for skinny jeans!

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